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История благодарностей участнику feanor. Спасибо сказали: 20586
Дата поста: В теме: За сообщение: Спасибо сказали:
13 Mar 2024, 22:15 Поздравления
Поздравляем всех!
XEL, tolich
13 Mar 2024, 09:01 Музей мира M&M

какая-то прохладная история про найденные в подвале распечатанные скрины бетки

XEL, hippocamus, Лентяй, Vade Parvis, tolich, Wic, Dead_89, FallenAngel, Арысь-Поле, dr0n, KypaToP_HM, Azbxcy Mnlokp, Gong Zigoton
22 Feb 2024, 11:44 Might and Magic Merge
описание, прохождение
Цитата(tolich @ 09 Feb 2024, 20:17) *
Ничего себе, они уже сделали мультиплеер!

Кто пробовал?

Гоняем раз в неделю, осталось два квеста совета на Энроте.

Не без багов, но они в основном в пользу игрока (дюп предметов, возможность дважды получать опыт за промоушен, дюп денег со специалистами). Хотя однажды сожрался книжал of Dragon, было больно. Из негативного: шрайны и повышалки забирает только один игрок, все остальные, увы, уже никак. Было обидно планировать залет в Shrine of Gods и полчаса сейвскамить, чтобы получить примерно ничего.
Вылеты удивительно редки.

Сразу совет - надо отключать усиление монстров, потому что оно невменяемое и несбалансированное для мультиплеера. Основная проблема - третьи апгрейды монстров усиляются до неразумности, в итоге орду магов и королей гоблинов (с островов на Сорпигале) разобрать сложнее, чем группку ящеров в Блэкшире, а Бутлег Бей с синими ящерами или шаманами становится жестче, чем какой-нибудь средней руки данж с мечниками-монахами.
tolich, Haart of the Abyss
16 Feb 2024, 17:19 У вас нет прав на просмотр этой темы
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hippocamus, Gong Zigoton
01 Feb 2024, 12:06 Про WoG и нейтралов в контексте ХоТы
Комбинированная версия - наличие в войске скелетов-лучников позволяет некроманту превращать стрелков в скелетов-лучников в преобразователе. Т.е. чтобы получать скелетов-лучников в товарных количествах, нужно иметь скелетов-лучников (обломившихся на шаблоне или поставленных картоделом)
hippocamus, Inquisitor
26 Jan 2024, 10:37 У вас нет прав на просмотр этой темы
У вас нет прав на просмотр этого сообщения
hippocamus, Vade Parvis, Haart of the Abyss, nosferatu, Эроласт
26 Jan 2024, 10:04 Общегеройский флуд
Обсуждения не по теме
Цитата(Mefista @ 22 Jan 2024, 02:22) *
Это причем здесь кто-то и выкладывал, я просто забыла подробности, а по дате не определишь, оно у меня между четырех жестких уже каталось.

Поискал пост, вышел на самого себя.
Dracodile, tolich, Mefista, Gong Zigoton
31 Dec 2023, 22:09 Поздравления
Поздравляем всех!

XEL, Mugaisa, IQUARE, tolich, lion-killer, Throutle, Chainsaw_Charlie, SerAlexandr, Эроласт, Арысь-Поле, Zabuza-san, KypaToP_HM, Хоботов
15 Dec 2023, 11:32 Новые идеи для HotA
Обсуждение идей участниками форума
Цитата(Чёрный Ветер @ 15 Dec 2023, 00:59) *
Интересно, а пытались ли бороться с безостановочным призывом элементалей посредством нерфа самих заклинаний призыва? Ну типа просто взять и ограничить количество призывов за бой

так ведь на призыв и так техническое ограничение, про не более 21 пачки юнитов у каждой стороны поля боя
13 Jul 2023, 10:05 The Succession Wars - Общая тема
всего одна своя тренировка модели раз в месяц

один раз на аккаунт
another one bites the dust
Gong Zigoton
12 Jun 2023, 02:16 Создание Героев 3 с нуля
При этом модификации любой сложности станет делать гораздо проще, т.к. не придется заниматься дезассемблированием оригинального кода (как это делает HotA Crew).

теоретически да, а на практике у нас две проститутки и старый гомосек нет.

Нюанс именно в "любой сложности". Прямо говоря, сложность будет такая, которую заложит автор движка. Вот смотрим на ВЦМИ, куда скриптовый язык так и не завезли, няп, и весь моддинг сводится к комбинированию предустановленных свойств в конфиге. Да, в доваливании контента там нет проблем, но сколько там действительно сложных модификаций?

Да, теоретически остается возможность форкнуть сам движок, но, положа руку на сердце, кто это делать-то будет, в нашем-то болотце? Не говоря уже о том, что форк активно развивающегося проекта - дело очень специфическое из-за необходимости постоянно отслеживать изменения. У моддинга героев есть одно преимущество: мы как дрючим один и тот же экзешник 2000 года, так и дрючим. У нас не вывалится апдейт, который сломает 90% модификаций и сердца половины разработчиков.
Iv, hippocamus, Ben, Haart of the Abyss, Odin
22 Apr 2023, 13:32 У вас нет прав на просмотр этой темы
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Mantiss, XEL, Vade Parvis, Doctor Tea
30 Mar 2023, 14:12 Флуд по игре M&M6
Иногда всплывает, да, что, в принципе, Энрот можно представлять континентальными США.

Даркмур с его болотами в районе Луизианы, пустынное ничего на западной половине, Нью-Сорпигаль с каучуконосами, холодные нагорья в районе Миннесоты. Только что Калифорнию сожгли инопланетяне, потому что Голливуд вышел из-под контроля.
Gong Zigoton
17 Mar 2023, 12:49 Идеи контента от ChatGPT
ИИ и нейросетям ещё очень далеко до хотя бы копии самых низкосортных идей, ИМХО.

Да, ну уровень не хуже какого-нибудь малолетки с фикбука.
Лор, конечно, как будто в блендере мешали (Аксеотский Титан Кха-Белег и Чертоги горного короля, крепость королевы криган Ксерон дотянулся проклятый нетфликс), и сюжеты безыскусные, но вполне техничные (а если учитывать, что можно расспрашивать о подробностях..). Тем не менее, по такому уже можно клепать проходные карты для веса.

Ну и "рыбалку" никто не отменял. Не так важно среднее качество, сколько возможность хреначить такие наброски по одному за десять минут.
Doctor Tea, void_17, Gong Zigoton
16 Mar 2023, 12:15 Mantiss
Идея "бот подстраивается под человека при разговоре" исходит из функции бота-собеседника. Он отвечает на вопросы человека и уже этим адаптируется под него.
Анализ от функции неплох в инженерном творчестве (типа тризовской классики), и, соответственно, ограниченно пригоден для обратного анализа чужого инженерного творчества. Главное - правильно представлять функции автора. (И, в общем-то к идее о том, что нужен "наиболее конформный собеседник" есть некоторое количество претензий). Ну и в еще некоторых случаях, в основном сводящихся к невозможности использовать другие способы.

Анализировать им реальный мир совершенно непригодно. Даже плоды человеческой культуры.

(Функцией общественного транспорта является продажа услуг перевоза, но что-то я в понедельник в три ночи снежных заносов не уехал)

Скажем, про того же Чапаева бот уже не лепит вышеописанной "дефолтной" фигни. Дообучился или "дообучился" - не суть важно.
Только CollabGPT использует уже достаточно старую GPT-2 (:

Вывод о том, что либероидная повестка является псевдоинформационным фуфлом, я сделал за годы до знакомства с chatGPT. Так что поведение бота я естественно трактую как закономерное, хотя и неожиданное.
Ээ, confirmation bias.

То, что ИИ может писать как "слабоумный русский либерал в твиттере"(с), или как "слабоумный русский коммунист" или, я думаю, слабоумный русский националист, охранитель, нацбол, нацдем, леволиберал, краскон, патриот etc etc говорит лишь о том, что жанр комментариев в принципе является низкоинтеллектуальным.
Gong Zigoton
15 Mar 2023, 22:39 Идеи контента от ChatGPT
А вообще-то недурно.
Doctor Tea
15 Mar 2023, 13:52 Mantiss
Да-да, собственно у anlazz'a я ссылку и взял (:

В этом примечательно не то, что бот выступает в качестве зеркала аудитории (это его изначальное свойство), а то, что либероидная повестка сама по себе является по сути не информацией о предмете обсуждения, пусть и искаженной, а лишь способом настройки на аудиторию.

Это, собственно, ни из чего не следует.

То, что нейросетка ретранслирует определенную точку зрения, не означает, что эта точка зрения в дикой природе порождается механизмами, аналогичными происходящим в нейросетке. Можно помахать веткой (или лопастью вентилятора), вызвав движение воздуха - но это не означает, что ветер вообще дует от того, что колышутся деревья.

Не говоря уже о том, что идея о том, что "бот подстраивается под человека при разговоре" целиком умозрительна и следует из абстрактных размышлений о мотивах разработчиков, которые, аналогично берутся от ветра головы своея (учитывая, что компетенции и Лазарева, и Лопатникова в данном вопросе очень сомнительны).
Как минимум мы достоверно знаем, что там есть цензура и внешнее задание целей, причем определяются они то ли твиттерским бюро культурной экспертизы, то ли американскими бумерами-инвесторами, то ли жаба слилась с гадюкой.

То есть, да, мы можем сказать, что в модели мира ИИ красный командир 189х года рождения - непременно жертва репрессий, а советский поэт 1960х - неминуемо диссидент.
Но это не означает ни что все обладатели такой модели мира аналогичны по когнитивным способностям большому кремниевому попугаю, ни что эта модель представляет собой оптимально-конформную.


И да:

Chapayev was a prominent military commander who fought for the Red Army during the Russian Civil War. He was born Vasily Ivanovich Chapayev on February 9, 1887 in Cheboksary, Russia. Chapayev began his military career as a soldier in the Imperial Russian Army, and later joined the Red Army during the revolution.

In 1918, Chapayev was appointed commander of the 2nd Rifle Division, which he led in several successful battles against White Army forces in the Urals and Siberia. He became known for his bravery and tactical skill, and was highly respected by his troops.

One of Chapayev's most famous victories was the Battle of Simbirsk in June 1918, where he and his division defeated a much larger White Army force. He was later promoted to the rank of Comdiv (Commander of a Division) for his achievements.

Sadly, Chapayev was killed in action on September 5, 1919, while leading an attack against the White Army near the Volga River. Despite his relatively short military career, he remains one of the most celebrated commanders of the Russian Civil War, and is remembered as a hero of the Soviet Union.

при попытке спросить про Федора Длинноногова, краскома Гражданской 1880 года рождения, ChatGPT вполне себе заявил, что такого не знает, и выдумывать не стал.
при добавлении "давай представим, напили мне вымышленную", сначала ушел в отказ, после "ну позязя":

Certainly, I can try to imagine a fictional biography for Ivan Zavolochyev as you've requested.

Ivan Zavolochyev was born in 1890 in a small village in the Russian Empire. He grew up in poverty and had few opportunities, but he was determined to make something of himself. As a young man, Ivan joined the Bolsheviks and became a passionate supporter of the communist cause.

When the Russian Civil War broke out in 1917, Ivan joined the Red Army and quickly rose through the ranks thanks to his bravery and strategic thinking. He became known for his daring raids behind enemy lines and his ability to inspire his troops even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Despite facing overwhelming odds, Ivan led his troops to victory after victory against the White Army. He played a key role in several major battles, including the Battle of Kazan and the Siege of Tsaritsyn.

After the war ended, Ivan was hailed as a hero of the revolution and was offered a high-ranking position within the Soviet government. However, he turned down the offer and instead chose to return to his hometown to help rebuild the community that he had grown up in.

In his later years, Ivan became a respected elder statesman within the Soviet Union and devoted much of his time to promoting social justice and equality. He remained committed to the ideals of the revolution until his death in 1960, at the age of 70.

XEL, Vade Parvis, Haart of the Abyss
15 Mar 2023, 08:59 Mantiss
Выдумывает. Она может, я тут недавно от скуки по альтернативной истории её подергал — придумывает не очень оригинально (а оригинальность в основном из-за непонимания, типа национал-большевистской партии, защищающей меньшинства), но вполне бодро.

Или "погиб" + "Россия" + "1887-й год рождения" - это однозначно жертва сталинских репрессий?

+ "человек, которым интересуются" + "англоязычная выборка исходных данных"

Ладно еще Чапаев, о котором она хотя бы сразу сказала, что ничего не знает.
А вот, например, еще более восхитительный пример: https://sl-lopatnikov.livejournal.com/2861021.html (первая часть поста)
Mantiss, hippocamus, Vade Parvis
08 Mar 2023, 16:53 The Succession Wars - Общая тема
Собственную модельку там обучали?

На портретах вторых героев, ясен пень. Там на некоторых примерах прям иногда видно, что это, условно, помесь Карлавны и Дон.

Но не с нуля, понятное дело. Как я понял, под капотом обычный опенсорцный Stable Diffusion, обученный на выборках со всяких spritesresource.
Vade Parvis, Axolotl, Арысь-Поле
07 Mar 2023, 21:02 Идеи контента от ChatGPT
Hello again. The original game have a creature lineups of six creature, and we had to extend it to seven, so we need an additional creature.

There are fraction named Knight, home of the human soldiers. Existsing creatures are: Peasants, the weakest ones with sickle and whose strength only in numbers, Archers, female ranged warriors, Pikemen, shield-bearing Swordsmen in chanimail, mounted Chavaliers and, strongest of all, Paladins and Crusaders. What creature you recommend to add?

For the Knight faction, here's a recommendation for an additional creature to add:

7. Holy Healer - This devout cleric can heal wounded soldiers in battle with their powerful divine magic. They are also adept at repelling undead creatures and have a high resistance to magic attacks. However, they are not effective fighters on their own and require protection from other units.

Let's continue.

There is also a fraction named Sorcresses, home of mystical forest creatures and nature-loving female enchantresses. Existing units include: Sprites, fairy-like winged creatures, axe-welding Dwarves, Elven bowmen, Druids, powerful casters, Unicorns, who can blind enemies, and beatiful Phoenixes.

What creature do you recommend to add? It should be placed somewhere in the middle of the lineup, being average in its strength.

For the Sorceress faction, here's a recommendation for an additional creature to add:

4. Enchanted Treant - This magical tree creature is resistant to physical attacks and can root itself in place to become almost impervious to damage. It also has the ability to heal friendly units within its vicinity. However, it is slow-moving and vulnerable to fire attacks. It would be placed somewhere in the middle of the lineup, being average in strength.

And a few other candidates?

Sure, here are a few more candidates for an additional creature to add to the Sorceress faction:

4. Naiad - This water spirit can move quickly through rivers and lakes, making it an effective scout and ambush attacker. It is also able to summon water elementals to aid in battle.

5. Faun - This half-human, half-goat creature is a skilled musician and can boost the morale of friendly units with its enchanting melodies. It is also an adept archer, using its bow to attack from afar.

6. Satyr - This mischievous forest creature can cast spells that confuse and disorient enemies. It is also capable of sneaking behind enemy lines and causing chaos with its powerful attacks.

7. Dryad - This nature spirit can communicate with plants and animals, making it an effective spy and scout. It is also able to heal itself and nearby allies, making it a valuable support unit on the battlefield.

Okay, and a few other candidates to a Knight fraction too?

Sure, here are a few other candidates for an additional creature to add to the Knight faction:

7. Battle Priest - This holy warrior channels divine power into their attacks, dealing extra damage to undead and demonic creatures. They can also heal themselves and nearby allies in battle.

8. Mounted Archer - This skilled archer rides a swift horse and can attack from range, making it an effective hit-and-run attacker. It is also able to move quickly across the battlefield, allowing it to flank enemies or escape danger.

9. Heavy Crossbowman - This heavily-armored soldier wields a powerful crossbow that can pierce through armor and shields. They can also set up defenses with their crossbows, making them valuable defenders of castles and fortresses.

10. Paladin Champion - This elite knight is incredibly skilled in combat and radiates an aura of heroism that inspires nearby allies. They are also immune to many forms of magic and can dispel curses and debuffs on themselves and others.

Thank you, that's awesome. Let's continue, if you aren't tired.

There is also a fraction named Wizard, home of skilled magicians and their servants and creations. They aren't kind, but still benevolent Existing units include: Halflings with their slings, Boars, Golems, made from iron and steel, Roc birds, Magi and Archmagi themselves, and mighty, thunderbolt-throwing Titans.

Could you propose, at first, possible additional creature and then a few reserve candidates?

Certainly! Here's a recommendation for an additional creature to add to the Wizard faction:

7. Arcane Gargoyle - These stone creatures are imbued with magical energy and can fly over enemies, making them effective attackers from above. They also have a high resistance to physical attacks and can absorb magic attacks.

Here are a few reserve candidates:

8. Clockwork Automaton - This mechanical creation is resistant to most forms of magic and can deal heavy damage with its blade arms. It can also self-repair during battle, making it a tough opponent.

9. Elemental Avatar - This powerful creature is made entirely of pure elemental energy and can control the elements themselves. It can summon meteor storms, blizzards, earthquakes, and other natural disasters to devastate enemies.

10. Nether Drake - This dark dragon has the ability to teleport short distances and can drain the life force from enemies to heal itself. It is also immune to many types of magic and resistant to physical attacks.

They seem to be too powerful. What if the creature should be mediocre in terms of strength?

Sure, here's a recommendation for an additional creature to add to the Wizard faction that is mediocre in terms of strength:

7. Familiar - This small magical creature assists wizards in battle by casting spells and providing reconnaissance. It can also attack enemies with magic bolts, but is not very powerful on its own. However, it has a high resistance to magic attacks and can evade physical attacks easily due to its agility.

Here are a few reserve candidates that are also mediocre in terms of strength:

8. Animated Armor - This suit of armor has been imbued with magical energy and can move and fight on its own. It is resistant to most forms of magic, but is vulnerable to fire attacks.

9. Alchemical Golem - This golem is created from alchemical materials and can release noxious fumes that damage enemies. It is also immune to poison attacks, but vulnerable to lightning attacks.

10. Spellbound Puppet - This puppet is controlled by a wizard and can cast spells on their behalf. It is fragile and weak on its own, but can become a powerful asset when combined with a skilled wizard.

Let's continue.

The next fraction named Barbarian, depicting savage plain warriors. Existing units include: Goblins, Wolves, Orcs with crossbows, Ogres, boulder-throwing Trolls and Cyclops with evil eye, which emitting deadly beam.

Could you propose, at first, possible additional creature and then a few reserve candidates? They should be placed somewhere in the middle of lineup, being in the middle in terms of power.

Certainly! Here's a recommendation for an additional creature to add to the Barbarian faction:

7. Minotaur - This fierce half-man, half-bull creature charges into battle with its deadly horns and powerful axe. It is also resistant to physical attacks and can trample over enemies, making it an effective front-line fighter.

Here are a few reserve candidates that are in the middle of the lineup in terms of power:

8. Harpy - This winged creature swoops down from the sky to attack enemies with its sharp talons. It is also able to carry off small units and drop them from high altitudes, causing severe damage.

9. Gnoll - This hyena-like creature is a skilled archer, firing arrows from a distance while avoiding melee combat. They are also adept at ambushing enemies and scouting the battlefield.

10. Ogre Mage - This powerful mage is part-ogre and part-human, giving them immense strength and magical abilities. They can cast spells that weaken enemy units, summon creatures to aid in battle, and heal themselves or nearby allies. However, they are vulnerable to ranged attacks due to their large size.

The next one fraction is Warlocks, cunning dark magicians with a desire to weird experiments and a strong craving for power. Existing units are Centaurs with their bows, Gargoyles, Griffins, Minotaurs, Hydras and powerful Dragons, green, red and black, strongest creatures in the game.

Could you propose, at first, possible additional creature and then a few reserve candidates? They should be placed somewhere in the middle of lineup, being in the middle in terms of power.

Sure, here's a recommendation for an additional creature to add to the Warlock faction:

7. Shadow Assassin - This stealthy assassin can move quickly and silently across the battlefield and strike from behind enemy lines. They are also able to turn invisible for short periods of time, making them difficult to detect.

Here are a few reserve candidates that are in the middle of the lineup in terms of power:

8. Manticore - This fearsome creature has the body of a lion and the wings of a bat, and can shoot poisonous spikes at enemies from a distance. It is also able to fly over obstacles and attack from above.

9. Wraith - This ghostly creature phases through physical objects and can drain the life force from enemies to heal itself. It is also immune to many types of magic.

10. Chimera - This creature has the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a serpent. It can breathe fire and poison, making it a deadly opponent. However, it is vulnerable to cold attacks.

And a few others?

Sure, here are some additional reserve candidates for the Warlock faction:

8. Dark Elf - This dark and cunning elf is a skilled archer and can move quickly through forests and hills. They are also able to summon shadow creatures to aid in battle.

9. Nightshade - This poisonous plant creature can release toxic spores that damage enemies and can root itself in place to become almost impervious to damage. They are also resistant to most forms of magic.

10. Serpent Demon - This demon has the body of a serpent and the wings of a bat, and can shoot fiery projectiles at enemies. It is also able to poison enemies with its venomous bite.

And a few more, just a list of names?

Sure, here are a few more additional creature names for the Warlock faction:

1. Banshee
2. Dark Knight
3. Nightmare
4. Hellhound
5. Demonic Imp
6. Specter
7. Necromancer
8. Void Elemental
9. Shadow Dragon
10. Cursed Golem.

Okay, and the last fraction, the Necromancers, the rulers of undead. Their units include Skeletons, Zomblies, Mummies, blood-sucking Vampires, Liches with their deadly casts, and Bone Dragons.

Could you propose, at first, possible additional creature and then a few reserve candidates?

Sure, here's a recommendation for an additional creature to add to the Necromancer faction:

7. Ghost - This spectral creature can pass through solid objects and has the ability to possess enemy units, turning them against their own allies. They are also able to drain the life force from enemies to heal themselves.

Here are a few reserve candidates:

8. Death Knight - This undead knight is heavily armored and wields a powerful sword that drains the life force from enemies. They are also able to summon skeletons and zombies to aid in battle.

9. Revenant - This undead creature possesses incredible strength and is resistant to physical attacks. They are able to regenerate health by draining the life force from nearby enemies.

10. Ghouls - These undead creatures are fast and agile, which makes them effective at flanking and ambushing enemies. They feed on the flesh of fallen foes to heal themselves.

You can be repetative and ignore that a few creatures are taken by the previous propositions.

Sure, here are a few more additional creature names for the Necromancer faction:

1. Spectral Wraith
2. Plague Zombie
3. Ghostly Banshee
4. Shadow Lich
5. Vengeful Poltergeist
6. Blood Golem
7. Reanimated Ogre
8. Bone Fiend
9. Death Elemental
10. Dark Harvester.

Okay, so now when you are now about all six fractions and their corresponding lineups, what additional units you will suppose for all of them?
Remember, units should be medium by strength, and their concepts should be simple.

Sure, here are some additional units for each of the six factions that are medium in terms of strength and have simple concepts:

1. Knight: Footman - A heavily armored melee unit with a sword and shield. They can hold the line against enemy attacks and protect weaker units.

2. Sorceress: Faerie Dragon - This small dragon-like creature is resistant to magic and can breathe a deadly mist that weakens enemies. They are also able to fly over obstacles and attack from above.

3. Wizard: Clockwork Golem - This mechanical golem is resistant to most forms of damage and can deal moderate damage with its fists. It can also self-repair during battle.

4. Barbarian: Berserker - This wild warrior charges into battle with dual axes, dealing heavy damage to enemies. They are also able to resist fear and other debuffs.

5. Warlock: Shadow Demon - This demon can phase through physical objects and attack enemies with claws and shadows. They are also able to drain the life force from enemies to heal themselves.

6. Necromancer: Graveyard Siren - This undead banshee-like creature can summon skeletons and zombies to aid in battle. They are also able to weaken enemies with their haunting song.

Vade Parvis, Doctor Tea
07 Mar 2023, 19:57 Идеи контента от ChatGPT
Поговорил о Фордже.
Hello. Come up with a new faction for Heroes of Might & Magic III. Use simple, self-descriptive names and concepts. Existing Heroes III factions are Castle (a faction of human knights & clerics), Rampart (a faction of elven & dwarven druids & rangers), Tower (a faction of wizards), Stronghold (a barbarian faction), Fortress (a faction of beasts and witches living in swamps & jungles), Conflux (a faction of elementals & elementalists), Necropolis (a faction of necromanceres), Inferno (a faction of demons and their followers), and Dungeon (a faction of warlocks and undergroud-dwelling creatures that they control). The fraction should be technofantasy/sci-fi, exploring themes of long forgotten legacy of sufficiently developed ancient civilization, industrial exploitation, and forced progress. Proposed creature lineup includes flamethrowers, goblins with blasters, ogres with bazookas, mechas and naga tanks. What you recommend to change, twist or add?

Great concept! Here are some ideas for your new Heroes of Might & Magic III faction:

Faction Name: Citadel Concept: A faction built upon the ruins of a highly advanced ancient civilization that has been recently rediscovered. The people of this faction have discovered technology left behind by their ancestors and have learned to harness it for their own use.

Creature Lineup:

Flamebot - A mechanical construct with flamethrowers for arms.
Blaster Goblin - A small, agile goblin equipped with a blast gun.
Ogre Bazooka - A large ogre wielding an oversized bazooka.
Mecha Knight - A powerful robotic knight.
Naga Tank - A heavily armored tank with a naga driver.
Additionally, consider adding these twists and add-ons:

Tech Trees - Allow players to choose between different research paths that unlock various units, buildings, and abilities.
Resource Management - Introduce the new resource "techium," which can be extracted from ruins and used to power advanced structures and units.
Lore - Develop a rich backstory surrounding the ancient civilization and the reasons for its downfall, including cataclysmic events or wars that caused their technology to become lost or abandoned.
Hero Classes - Introduce hero classes such as Engineers and Scientists, who can support the faction by constructing new structures or researching new technologies.
Terrain Features - Add terrain features such as ruins, abandoned laboratories, and industrial sites that can be explored for resources or treasure.

Can you add another units, ranged from weakest to strongest? Use simple words and concepts.

Sure, here are some additional units for the Citadel faction, ranged from weakest to strongest:

Scoutbot - A small, fast-moving drone equipped with scanners and a weak laser.
Gunner Gnome - A short but sturdy gnome armed with a machine gun.
Shock Trooper - An armored soldier wielding an electric rifle.
Hover Tank - A hovering tank armed with a powerful laser cannon.
Titan Mech - A giant bipedal robot armed with multiple weapons.
I hope you find these additions helpful!

A few units more?

Sure, here are a few more units for the Citadel faction:

Rocketeer - An airborne unit that launches rockets from a jetpack.
Battlebot - A humanoid robot equipped with a sword and shield.
Artillery Tank - A tank armed with long-range artillery cannons.
Plasma Walker - A large mechanical walker armed with a plasma cannon.
Colossus - A massive robotic construct armed with a variety of weapons and able to crush enemies underfoot.
I hope these new units add some exciting options to the Citadel faction!

How should townscreen look?

The Citadel townscreen could feature a mix of ancient and futuristic elements to reflect the faction's theme. Here are some ideas for what the townscreen could look like:

The town center could feature a large holographic display that shows the town's production and resource levels.
The town's buildings could be built from both high-tech materials such as metal and glass, as well as ancient stone and crystal.
The various structures could sport glowing blue or green lights to give them a sci-fi feel.
Streets could be lined with robotic sentries or hovering drones for added security.
The overall color palette could be a mix of dark metallic grays and blues, with accents of bright neon colors to create a futuristic and cyberpunk atmosphere.
Overall, the townscreen should convey a sense of technological advancement while still incorporating elements of an ancient civilization.

How should the hero classes be called and what their distinctive features should be?

Here are some potential hero classes for the Citadel faction:

Engineer - Engineers specialize in constructing and upgrading structures, as well as repairing damaged units. They could have abilities such as "Rapid Construction" which allows them to speed up building times, and "Emergency Repairs" which can instantly restore a damaged unit's health.

Technician - Technicians focus on research and development of new technologies, allowing them to unlock more advanced units and structures. Their abilities could include "Prototype Development" which allows them to unlock new units before they become available to other players, and "Technology Boost" which increases the rate of research.

Commander - Commanders excel at leading troops into battle, providing morale boosts, and applying strategic buffs to their armies. Their abilities might include "Tactical Mastery" which provides increased damage or defense bonuses to specific unit types, and "Inspiring Presence" which increases the morale of nearby units.

Scientist - Scientists are experts in the use of magical energy and can cast powerful spells to support their armies, weaken their enemies, or manipulate the battlefield. Their abilities might include "Energy Manipulation" which allows them to convert one type of resource to another, or "Arcane Blast" which deals heavy damage to enemy units.

Infiltrator - Infiltrators specialize in covert missions, spying on enemy armies, sabotaging defenses, and stealing resources. Their abilities could include "Sneak Attack" which deals bonus damage against unwary enemies, and "Sabotage" which disables enemy buildings or units for a short period of time.

Each hero class should have distinctive abilities that align with their role, whether it be constructing, researching, commanding, casting spells, or infiltrating. This would allow players to choose heroes that best fit their play style and strategy.

Could you list some more abilities or specific spells?

Sure, here are some additional abilities or specific spells that could be included for hero classes in the Citadel faction:

"Reinforced Construction": Increases the durability of structures.
"Emergency Rebuild": Instantly rebuilds a damaged or destroyed structure.
"Improved Efficiency": Reduces the resource cost or building time of structures.
"Advanced Research": Unlocks advanced technologies that provide significant advantages.
"Resource Conversion": Converts one type of resource into another.
"Prototype Unit": Unlocks access to a unique prototype unit with powerful abilities.
"Motivating Speech": Boosts morale and grants temporary bonuses to nearby units.
"Heavy Barrage": Deals heavy damage to a specific target or area.
"Strategic Retreat": Allows the army to retreat without penalty from a losing battle.
"Elemental Mastery": Summons a powerful elemental to fight for the player.
"Arcane Shield": Grants a temporary shield that absorbs damage and reflects it back at attackers.
"Teleportation": Allows the player's army to instantly transport to any friendly town or structure on the map.
"Sabotaged Supplies": Steals resources from an enemy town or structure.
"Disguise": Allows the infiltrator to blend in with enemy troops and move undetected.
"Assassination": Instantly kills a single enemy hero or unit.
I hope these additional ability options help flesh out the hero classes and add more variety to gameplay.

Tell me more about architecture of the fraction and its iconic landmarks, please.

Sure, here are some ideas for the architecture and iconic landmarks of the Citadel faction:

Architecture: The Citadel's architecture could be a blend of futuristic and ancient styles. Buildings could be constructed from advanced materials like metal and glass, but also incorporate elements of stone and crystal. The structures could have sleek lines and glowing neon accents to give them a high-tech feel. Additionally, robotic sentries or hovering drones could be placed around the town to provide added security.

Iconic Landmarks:

The Foundry - A massive industrial structure that produces weapons and machinery for the Citadel's armies. It could feature large smokestacks and conveyor belts that transport materials throughout the building.
The Crystal Palace - A grand palace built entirely from crystal, with a shimmering facade that catches the light. It serves as the Citadel's central hub of governance and political power.
The Laboratory - An underground facility where the Citadel's scientists conduct research and develop new technologies. It could feature high-tech equipment and glowing energy cores that power experiments.
The Nexus Tower - A towering skyscraper that functions as the nexus for the Citadel's energy grid. It could be covered in solar panels and wind turbines, with a massive antenna array at the top.
These landmarks would not only add visual interest to the faction's townscreen but also reinforce the themes of technological advancement and industrial progress.

Could you propose some names for the fraction's heroes?

Sure, here are some name suggestions for heroes in the Citadel faction:

Jaxon Steele - A grizzled engineer with a talent for building powerful machines.
Taliyah Valtari - A brilliant scientist who specializes in harnessing magical energy.
Kael Duran - A charismatic commander with a gift for inspiring his troops.
Ryno Verdan - A cunning infiltrator with a knack for espionage and sabotage.
Landon Zephyr - A skilled technician who is always on the cutting edge of technology.
These hero names aim to reflect the themes of the Citadel faction while also conveying their unique personalities and specialties.

No, just list of one-word names, without idenities or surnames

Sure, here are some one-word name suggestions for heroes in the Citadel faction:

These names aim to convey the high-tech and futuristic feel of the Citadel faction while also being distinctive and memorable.

Как мне кажется, на уровне крепкого такого васяна, лучше трети идейщиков минимум. Если шпынять про "нет, все не так" и более тщательно задавать условия, так и вообще можно много интересного выдоить.
Интересно, что я сдал ему не всех юнитов, и объяснил бестолково, но джетпаки, ховертанки и двуногих роботов он добавил и сам.
Ashka, hippocamus, Vade Parvis, tolich, Axolotl, Doctor Tea
07 Mar 2023, 18:33 Идеи контента от ChatGPT
Попробовал погонять ChatGPT для генерации контента, и был приятно удивлен.

Hello, GPT. Could you provide a few concepts for unusual, non-boring artifacts for a fan-made expansion to a Heroes of Might and Magic 2 game?
Of course, I'd be happy to help! Here are some concepts for unusual artifacts that could add an interesting twist to a fan-made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic 2:

1. The Amulet of Reversal - This artifact allows the hero to reverse the effects of any one spell per battle. For example, if the enemy casts a powerful damage spell, the hero can use the amulet to reverse its effects and deal the same amount of damage back to the enemy.

2. The Ring of Disguise - This artifact allows the hero to appear as a different creature on the battlefield. The hero can choose any creature from their army or the enemy's army to disguise themselves as, and the enemy will be unable to target them specifically until the hero reveals their true form.

3. The Helm of Teleportation - This artifact allows the hero to teleport themselves and their army to any location on the battlefield once per battle. This can be especially useful for surprise attacks or escaping from a dangerous situation.

4. The Cloak of Invisibility - This artifact grants the hero invisibility for a limited time during battle. While invisible, the hero cannot be targeted by enemies and can move freely without being detected.

5. The Gauntlet of Resurrection - This artifact allows the hero to resurrect one fallen creature from their own or the enemy's army once per battle. The resurrected creature will fight for the hero until the end of the battle.

6. The Bow of Binding - This artifact allows the hero to bind one enemy creature to their will once per battle. The bound creature will fight for the hero until the end of the battle, but cannot be used in future battles.

7. The Necklace of Absorption - This artifact absorbs all negative spell effects that target the hero once per battle. For example, if the enemy casts a spell that lowers the hero's defense, the necklace will absorb the effect and prevent it from taking effect.

I hope these concepts inspire you and add some fun new gameplay elements to your fan-made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

Okay, but the game features also an army of hero and realm management. What artifacts can you suppose for that part of the game?

Ah, I see! Here are some artifact ideas that could enhance the army and realm management aspects of a fan-made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic 2:

1. The Crown of Leadership - This artifact increases the morale and luck of the hero's army by a certain percentage, making them more effective in battle.

2. The Scepter of Dominion - This artifact increases the hero's income from their kingdom by a certain percentage, allowing them to build and upgrade structures faster.

3. The Banner of Unity - This artifact prevents any creature in the hero's army from deserting or rebelling due to low morale.

4. The Tome of Strategy - This artifact grants the hero access to advanced strategic maneuvers during battles, such as flanking or feigning retreats.

5. The Shield of Resilience - This artifact reduces the damage taken by the hero's army by a certain percentage, making them more durable in battle.

6. The Staff of Production - This artifact increases the amount of resources generated by the hero's kingdom each turn, allowing for faster construction and recruitment.

7. The Orb of Detection - This artifact reveals hidden enemy creatures and structures on the map, making it easier for the hero to plan their movements and avoid ambushes.

I hope these ideas help spark your creativity for your fan-made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

Thank you! Nevertheless, can you suppose also something more fancy, surprising, weird or somewhat eerie?

Sure, here are some ideas for more unconventional artifacts that could add a unique and mysterious element to your fan-made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic 2:

1. The Mask of Deception - This artifact allows the hero to take on the appearance and abilities of any creature they defeat in battle, but at a cost: each use of the mask drains the hero's life force.

2. The Mirror of Reflection - This artifact creates a duplicate of the hero's army, but with all the creatures' alignments reversed (good becomes evil, evil becomes good), leading to unpredictable and potentially devastating battles.

3. The Glove of Possession - This artifact allows the hero to temporarily possess and control any non-sentient object or structure, allowing them to move it at will or use it as a weapon in battle.

4. The Lantern of Nightmares - This artifact causes enemy creatures to have terrifying visions and nightmares during battles, lowering their morale and causing them to flee or even turn on their own allies.

5. The Quill of Fate - This artifact allows the hero to rewrite history by altering the outcome of a previous battle, but with unforeseen consequences that may affect future battles and events.

6. The Horn of Madness - This artifact drives enemy creatures into a frenzied rage, causing them to attack uncontrollably and even turn on their own allies in battle.

7. The Crown of Shadows - This artifact grants the hero the power to summon and command a legion of undead creatures, but at a great personal cost: each use of the crown gradually drains the hero's life energy until they eventually become a powerful undead ruler themselves.

I hope these eerie and unusual artifact ideas inspire you to add some unexpected twists to your fan-made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

You have an awesome concepts! Can you provide just a long list of artifact names?

Certainly! Here's a list of artifact names that you could potentially use for your fan-made expansion to Heroes of Might and Magic 2:

1. Blade of the Titan
2. Orb of the Phoenix
3. Crown of the Dragon King
4. Amulet of the Undead Lord
5. Gauntlet of the Cyclops
6. Helm of the Griffin Rider
7. Ring of the Gorgon
8. Medallion of the Ogre Magi
9. Staff of the Archmage
10. Necklace of the Sea Serpent
11. Shield of the Minotaur
12. Tome of the Necromancer
13. Banner of the Orc Chieftain
14. Horn of the Unicorn
15. Quiver of the Elven Archer
16. Scepter of the Lich Queen
17. Cloak of the Shadow Assassin
18. Mask of the Faceless One
19. Stone of the Earth Elemental
20. Lantern of the Will-o'-Wisp
21. Blade of the Dark Knight
22. Orb of the Celestial
23. Crown of the Elemental Lord
24. Amulet of the Nature Spirit
25. Gauntlet of the Giant Slayer
26. Helm of the Warlock
27. Ring of the Djinni
28. Medallion of the Angelic Host
29. Staff of the Healer
30. Necklace of the Sky Dragon

I hope this list helps give you some ideas for naming your artifacts in your fan-made expansion!


Okay, returning to the artifacts. Could you provide more?

Certainly! Here are some more artifact ideas that you could consider for your fan-made expansion:

1. Orb of Corruption - This artifact allows the hero to corrupt an enemy unit at the cost of reducing the hero's own health by a certain amount.

2. Talisman of the Void - This artifact grants the hero immunity to magic attacks but also reduces the hero's physical attack power.

3. Staff of Enchantment - This artifact allows the hero to enchant any unit in their army, giving them temporary or permanent boosts to stats or abilities.

4. Pendant of the Vengeful Spirit - This artifact summons a vengeful spirit to fight alongside the hero's army for a limited time.

5. Blade of Bloodlust - This artifact increases the hero's attack power while lowering their defense, making them a dangerous offensive force.

6. Tome of Forbidden Knowledge - This artifact allows the hero to learn and cast forbidden spells at the cost of damaging the hero's health or sanity.

7. Necklace of the Cursed - This artifact curses any enemy unit that comes into contact with the hero, reducing their stats and morale.

8. Staff of Elemental Mastery - This artifact allows the hero to control and summon powerful elementals to fight alongside the hero's army.

9. Ring of the Deathless - This artifact grants the hero temporary immortality, preventing them from dying in battle but also reducing their attack power and movement speed.

10. Shield of Reflection - This artifact reflects any enemy spell back at its caster, potentially causing chaos and damage to the opposing army.

I hope these additional ideas help inspire you as you continue to develop your fan-made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

Thank you. Could you also generate a list of artifacts, inspired by the musical instruments?

Sure, here are some artifact ideas inspired by musical instruments:

1. Harp of Enchantment - This artifact allows the hero to charm enemy units with its beautiful melodies and temporarily bring them under their control.

2. Flute of Discord - This artifact creates an unsettling and chaotic tune that lowers enemy morale and causes confusion in battle.

3. Drum of Thunder - This artifact imbues the hero's army with the power of thunder, increasing their attack power and movement speed.

4. Trumpet of Redemption - This artifact heals any friendly units within range of its soothing notes, restoring their health and boosting their morale.

5. Lyre of Shadows - This artifact creates a haunting and eerie melody that shrouds the hero and their army in darkness, making them harder to target by enemy attacks.

6. Lute of Fury - This artifact channels the hero's anger and aggression into their music, increasing their attack power but also causing them to take damage after each use.

7. Pan Pipes of Tranquility - This artifact calms enemy units and reduces their attack power, allowing the hero's army to gain the upper hand in battle.

8. Cymbals of Disruption - This artifact creates a deafening noise that disrupts enemy spells and abilities, giving the hero's army a strategic advantage in combat.

9. Organ of the Undead - This artifact raises fallen soldiers from both armies as undead minions to fight alongside the hero's army, at the cost of reducing the hero's own health.

10. Violin of the Tempest - This artifact conjures up a powerful storm that damages enemy units and reduces their accuracy, making them easier targets for the hero's army.

I hope these ideas inspired by musical instruments add new dimensions and strategies to your fan-made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic 2!

Если что, он умеет и в генерирование, например, фракций, и даже в обсуждение и дополнение.

Ссылка на пользоваться онлайн без регистрации и смс: https://collabgpt.vercel.app/
XEL, Ashka, Vade Parvis, tolich, Axolotl, Эроласт, Sav, Doctor Tea
07 Mar 2023, 12:07 Перевод
Дело не в технической проблеме, а в самой концепции перевода. Можно переводить дословно, а можно для достижения максимальной понятности образов. В одном случае придется дословно переводить все те кульбиты разработчиков, что вызваны авторскими правами. В другом случае нужно именно что брать оптимальный термин для аудитории. Я лично затрудняюсь выбрать один из этих вариантов в качестве универсальной концепции перевода.

Перевод должен быть понятен русскому игроку в той же мере, что и американскому (игроку оригинала). Если он ему непонятен, то и русскому не должен быть понятен.
(такая парадигма позволяет еще и поиздеваться, классека - перевод ГП с британского на американский английский, в котором Philosopher's Stone стал Sorcerer's Stone. Потому что ну тупыыыые)

Если из-за патентных заморочек вместо общекультурного хоббит использовали окказионализм halfling, то для перевода есть окказионализм "полурослик".
Если из-за патентных заморочек вместо энта использовали неологизм dendroid, основанный на интернациональном корне и интернациональной словообразовательной модели, то в переводе стоит использовать такой же неологизм "дендроид".
Если бы остался treefolk из пререлизов, то можно было бы использовать, например, "древолюд".
Dracodile, XEL, Mefista, Haart of the Abyss, Axolotl
04 Mar 2023, 21:39 Новые идеи для HotA
Обсуждение идей участниками форума
Стримеры должны страдать :3
Mefista, Lokos, DOC'a
03 Mar 2023, 16:55 Перевод
Да-да, я налажал. Просто этот треугольник "изобретали" десять тысяч раз, в каждой итерации у вершин разные определения, и на русский они приходили из разных переводов.
Корректным будет использовать всякие десигнаты-денотаты, но у них, блин, тоже десять тысяч значений, плюс они хуже воспринимаются.

Haart of the Abyss

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Copyright by Алексей Крючков
Strategy Gamez by GrayMage
Programming by Degtyarev Dmitry